Facility Management & Porter Services
We handle everything—So you don't have to...
Daily Tasks:
Remove trash in parking lots
Blow leaves debris parking lot, sidewalks
Remove any carts
Empty Trash, change liners, wipe down lids
Empty ash trays, wipe down
Remove/scrape gum on sidewalks
Remove cigarette butts as needed
Hand brush stains on sidewalks as needed
Remove trash in dumpster areas, close doors
Remove any graffiti, signs
Power wash stains not coming up by hand
Power wash sidewalks to remove grime
Clean out bottom of trash cans
Remove cobwebs, dust ledges, corners, drains
Flush out vacant spaces, dust
Power wash trash enclosers as needed
Weekly Tasks:
Trees / hanging braches
Turf / Irrigation issues
Lighting issues
Flower issues
Parking lot issues
Building issues
Tenant issues
Missing / broken items
Signage issues
Roof inspections
Curb painting